Data Download By State

November 4, 2015: Error in state-based shapefiles has been corrected. Please re-download any state you previously downloaded to get the corrected data.


The data are made available in ESRI's GIS Shapefile format . In order to use the shapefiles in native format, you will need GIS software or viewers. The native application product is ESRI's ArcGIS software. A number of open source GIS products can also read and display shapefile format including QGIS. Shapefiles can be converted to many other file formats and also can be used in web-mapping applications by converting to json, geojson, or other web-based format.

Data Dictionary

Each state shapefile contains the same attribute fields. The key fields of interest are:

  • popgte20: The population greater than or equal to 20 years old in the grid cell.
  • popbmige30: The population whose BMI is greater than or equal to 30.0 BMI.
  • bmivsus: The difference in the percent of the population with BMI greater than or equal to 30.0 minus the estimated national percent obese (34.9, NHANES 2011-2012). [The equation used to calculate this value is: bmivsus = (popbmige30 - 34.9)]
  • pctbmige30: The percent of the persons in the grid who are obese. [The equation is: pctbmige30 = (popgte20 / popbmige30) * 100)]


The shapefile geographic data is unprojected in decimal degree units using the WGS84 coordinate system and datum (EPSG: 4326). The full projection parameters are found in the <st>.prj file contained in each state's zip archive.

Select a state and then click the download button

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